on covid-19 response

Environmental Monitoring Solutions
Identifying the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, on surfaces, in air, and wastewater has never been more important.
Collect reliable and accurate data to mitigate the risk to employees and patrons, evaluate the health of your facilities, and make informed decisions with our COVID-19 surface testing solutions.
Keep your business open with a tailored testing solution.
LuminUltra’s Environmental Monitoring Solutions are used to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 - the virus that causes COVID-19 – within environments that might act as a source of virus transmission to other people. Users are able to determine the presence of the virus using a specific test kit, test procedure, and sample measuring device.Results are available more quickly, accurately, and reliably than with other approaches.
A series of procedural steps convert the virus collected during a sampling event into something measurable with methods based on a well-established reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). GeneCount is an indispensable tool to certify that an environment has been effectively returned to a safe state so people can work, live and play with confidence.
Key Benefits:
Rapid and accurate virus detection using LuminUltra’s trusted GeneCount qPCR-based testing method that uses the same principles applied in human clinical tests
Sample and test surfaces, air, water, and wastewater
Results are achieved without sending samples to a lab
Test up to 94 samples simultaneously, depending on model
Usable in the field or in a laboratory setting without in depth scientific training
Training and ongoing support are available from LuminUltra applications experts
Instrument can be used for detecting other organisms and viruses
Evaluate overall surface cleanliness with rapid 2nd Generation ATP® testing
Application Areas:
Aircraft interiors
Office spaces
Mass transit - buses, trains
Industrial complexes
Retail outlets
Cruise ships
Medical facilities
Public areas
Food processing and supply chains

Introduction Rapid Microbial Monitoring Water & Wastewater
Luminultra develops and supports top quality microbial monitoring solutions that leverage their innovative and reliable technologies using 2nd Generation ATP and Molecular Microbiology Technologies (DNA):
that Test, Diagnose, and Drive proactive microbial control.
LuminUltra’s technologies and solutions makes the difficult seem simple. Their full suite of products will change the way you think about microbiology – while giving you the tools you need to:
Quantify and identify your microbial activity.
Understand how microbes are impacting your environment, facility, or system.
Improve your system, ultimately saving you time and money.

2nd Generation ATP®
Delivery: Instrument & Test Kits
Detects: Total Microbial Population
Not speciated
Portable (or lab)
6 core test kit types; sample dependent
Results in < 5 minutes
2nd Generation ATP®- Water

Operational Performance
Confirming successful mitigation
Flushing Optimization
Storage tank assessments
Distribution network assessments
Portable field ready
On site testing & results in 5 minutes
2nd Generation ATP®- Wastewater

Wastewater Treatment is costly process
Little control of incoming influent
Poor Performance; Non-compliance
Bulking & Settling
Effective solids inventory management
LuminUltra 2nd Generation ATP Solutions
Directly measure living biomass population
Toxicity; assessing health of biomass
Biomass inventory management Active Biomass Ratio
Troubleshoot through process
Biomass is lead indicator of problems
Single most important component in biological wastewater process are the “workers” biomass. Are you measuring them?