air blowers

Expect Quality Performance
turbo blowers
Compact Power in Aeration Tanks
AERZEN turbo blowers. Over the decades, Aerzen have developed these packaged units to technical excellence. In doing so they have acquired expertise that sets standards throughout the world. This is reflected in improved energy efficiency, low life-cycle costs and specially developed core components. To sum it up: it can be seen in every detail of AERZEN’s continuous flow machines.
The structure and operating principle of an AERZEN turbo blower is simultaneously simple and effective. The air supply of wastewater treatment plants is designed for huge capacities, high energy efficiency and long maintenance cycles. AERZEN does not use oil or other within the turbo blower - it simply uses air.

Rotary lobe compressors
The Best of Both Worlds
The rotary lobe compressor is one of the most innovative solutions in compressor technology, and one of the most efficient machines by far in the vast 25 to 100 per cent control range. Delta Hybrid has long been the only packaged unit in the world to bring together the benefits of blower and compressor technology in one single unit. For completely new possibilities in creating positive and negative pressure. And for savings of up to 15 per cent.
Two profiles. One unit. The latest generation technology from AERZEN brings a new principle to compression, namely the perfect synthesis of positive displacement blower and screw compressor in one packaged unit. The innovative Delta Hybrid rotary lobe compressor uses two different rotor profiles. A 3+3 blower profile tailored for low pressure differentials of up to 800 mbar – and a 3+4 compressor profile designed for higher pressures of up to 1,500 mbar. This enables the Delta Hybrid to close the gap in the existing range of machines. It also offers a broad performance range to enable perfect tailoring to meet the most diverse process requirements – with energy savings of up to 15% compared to standard compressors.
The Delta Hybrid rotary lobe compressors can be used for an extremely wide range of key industrial applications. Economic as a stand-alone and highly efficient in compound machines. The packaged units can be used anywhere, including areas with very high ambient temperatures, or for applications with extreme intake temperatures. Nowadays the Delta Hybrid makes final temperatures of 160 °C to 230 °C possible. A vital prerequisite for high levels of operational safety in all processes.

The All-Around Geniuses
Unrivalled versatility. These two words describe in a nutshell exactly what makes AERZEN screw compressors so special: the biggest range of models, the highest number of possible modifications and the widest range of accessories. But these stages and packaged unit series have a lot more going for them, notably the development capability of the global market leader, who has been continuously working on innovations, optimization and its completion of its successful compressors since 1943.
For decades, leading packagers and industrial users have insisted upon AERZEN compressor stages and packaged units. Why? Because with their exceptional versatility these machines are the ideal solution for every application. Originally designed for compressing air, nitrogen and neutral gases, these all-round geniuses are also developing their strengths in use with special gases, in vacuum operation and in inlet pressure applications. Direct and belt-driven, dry running and classified oil-free to class 0 or with oil injection, with or without pre-inlet. Let’s put it this way: AERZEN has the right compressor for every application.
Screw compressors are perforce twin-shaft rotating lobe machines. They work on the positive displacement principle with internal compression and are so-called compulsive conveyors. This applies for all screw compressors. However, what makes AERZEN screw compressors special is that we have made reliability, ease of maintenance, user-friendliness, flexibility and energy efficiency a matter of principle. The result is a range of unique design features. Take the efficiency coefficients for example, such as the AERZEN 3+4 VML profile or the 4+6 VM profile. Compared to standard compressors they save a considerable amount of energy. And what is the ultimate in compressor technology? It is AERZEN's new E-compressors. With an increase in efficiency of around 6% they free up even more valuable potential.